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Showing posts from October, 2022

The Interconnectedness of Language and Improvisation

 “Words are inherently ineffective and language is, at its deepest level, meaningless.” This is how my friend Bill greeted me when we met for lunch one day before he moved off to a much more interesting job. We dug into this concept with me taking the position that there is, to some societal degree, an objective understanding of language and verbiage while Bill held to his statement regarding the subjective nature of all communication. This debate went on for a few minutes before another individual, a student in their first philosophy class, decided they had to join us because of how interesting the conversation was. To say we disassembled every element of this poor interloping interlocutors ideas of existence need not be further described, but the look of surprise on their face as we acknowledged our non-faculty positions was near priceless! While I still enjoy a good debate on the objective/subjective aspect of language, I found myself pondering much more deeply the concept of where